WHO Study on Global AGEing and Adult Health (SAGE): Wave 0, 2002-2004

The World Health Organization (WHO)'s Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health (SAGE) is a longitudinal follow-up of a cohort of ageing and older adults. SAGE has been built on the experience and standardized instruments of WHO's 2000/2001 Multi-country Survey Study (MCSS) and the 2002/2004 World Health Surveys (WHS). These surveys focused on health and health-related outcomes and their determinants and impacts in nationally representative samples. These data aim to address data gaps on ageing, adult health and well-being in lower and middle income countries, whilst being comparable to surveys conducted in higher income countries (such as the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA), and the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE)). One of the major drivers of this effort has been the lack of comparability of self-reported health status in international health surveys due to systematic biases in reporting, despite using similar instruments and attempts at making questions conceptually equivalent in translation. SAGE uses standard instruments developed over the last decade, a common design and training approach with explicit strategies for making data comparable to cover a wide range of issues that directly and indirectly impact health and well-being. The survey methodology and research design has included a number of methods to address methods for detecting and correcting for systematic reporting biases in health interview surveys, including vignette methodologies, objective performance tests and biomarkers. A number of techniques have also been employed to improve data comparability, including using common definitions of concepts, common methods of data collection and translations, rigorous sample design and post hoc harmonization. The 2002-2004 WHS data from six countries (China, Ghana, India, Mexico, Russia, and South Africa) constitute Wave 0 of WHO's Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health (SAGE). A sample of these respondents were included in the follow-up 2007-2010 SAGE Wave 1 in these six countries, with new respondents added to ensure a nationally representative sample.
NACDA/Chatterji, Somnath, World Health Organization; Kowal, Paul, World Health Organization, and University of Newcastle
社会  >  社会变迁
aging, alcohol, biomarkers, cognitive functioning, demographic characteristics, diet, disease, health behavior, health status, illness, leisure, life satisfaction, medical history, mental health, older adults, physical condition, social environment, tobacco use,
China (Peoples Republic), Ghana, Global, India, Mexico, Russia, South Africa
computer-assisted personal interview (CAPI), computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI), face-to-face interview, paper and pencil interview (PAPI)
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