
  • Comparative Survey of Freedom, 1972-1976
        项目分类: 精神文化     关键字: censorship, civil rights, economic systems, evaluation, freedom of information, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, government performance, nations, political history, political ideologies, political power, political systems, repression, trend analysis, world politics,     执行时间: 1972-1976

  • Computer-Aided International Relations (CAIR) Teaching Package, 1965
        项目分类: 教育社会学     关键字: computer programs, dissent, economic conditions, instruction, instructional materials, international relations, political opposition, political systems, political violence, population characteristics,     执行时间: 1965-1968

  • Correlates of Chinese Arms Export to the Third World Dataset
        项目分类: 社会经济     关键字:      执行时间: 1951-1983

  • Correlates of War Project: International Trade Data, 1870-2006
        项目分类: 社会经济     关键字: currencies, developing nations, economic activity, exchange rates, exports, foreign affairs, historical data, imports, international economics, international monetary system, international trade, nations, trade, trade relations,     执行时间: 1870-2006

  • Country Memberships in Selected Intergovernmental Organizations and Accession to Selected Regional and Global Treaty Regimes: Global, Country-Year Format, 1955-2010
        项目分类: 社会治理     关键字: government, memberships, nations, organizations,     执行时间: 1955-2010
